Work for Living


life thoughts

the issue is not about making money, but making money from the type of work you want.

for some time, feeling myself un-interested or unmotivated to do the work I do for my clients, which is currently my only source of income. I want to do more on basis of my potential or what motivates me based on my current (or by learning more). I know, there is nothing stopping me to do both at a time, means do client work and my own project simultaneously.

it’s about time to do that, instead of overthinking. do what excites me.

there is nothing wrong in working for living, if you are happy and satisfied. but there is more to life than just earning money and paying your bills. I just want to be satisfied with my work or want to have to some fun with it. learn new things about sales, marketing and all other stuff which happens in lifetime of a product. just don’t want to just for the sake of it, or just for more money. want to learn and satisfy what keeps me on edge and motivated.

don’t have to prove anything to anyone, or to claim any title or achievement. just to prove myself, I can be what I want to be.

still have to figure out why it took me so long to act, I know I can do it and I have knowledge and skills to achieve what I want. I’ve some good ideas too about the projects I want to do right now. I think it’s overthinking what’s killing me. instead of that, I should just start executing, what’s on my mind.

set some actual deadlines and metrics, and do work on schedule (both client and own project) and cut out time wasting habits, behavior.

nothing stopping me, but only my self.